Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Anti-Human Rights Regimes

What they were teaching me is obsolete if people can be targeted in this fashion without due process and with so many members of the legal community and law enforcement apparently involved. I have no desire to participate in the show trials that will inevitably follow this disturbing trend. I am driven to fight this with everything I have. Furthermore, I cannot stand hypocrites. Many of the law school professors were involved, yet they would continue to profess about the rule of law, in which I believe, while demonstrating nothing but disdain for the current system and the Constitution. I have no tolerance for those with forked tongues.

I guess you are right in one sense. I guess I do despise a certain type of reptile, those metaphorical reptiles who are monopolizing the judicial and the political system of this nation with their forked tongue hypocrisy. I don't like people who speak out of both sides of their mouths. It certainly isn't something that I do. Anyone who would claim otherwise is automatically suspect. I know myself and will not let others imbue me and others with doubts about my veracity.

Ok I don't know what the perps are saying to you. But please don't compare me to them. I guess I misunderstood what you said about law school. It's starting to make a little more sense to me. Can you be a little more specific about what kind of electronic assaults, character assassination, and illegal surveillance was happening, unless that's to personal. Maybe do a video on it. I'm just curious and trying to compare your situation to mine and just making sure it all adds up. you know what I mean.
To ramaniac1964jc:

At what point do you get demoted to TI status, dirtbag? To me, it looks like your whole damn crew is failing. Doesn't that reflect poorly on you? When do your hidden masters decide to demote all of you, or simply kill you off? Couldn't happen to a nicer group of perverts. Perhaps when that happens I can live without your buffoonery cluttering up my beautiful channel. I really think given the verses of Scripture I pointed out to you and the fact that the Bible says satan decieveth the whole world, that those three topics I suggested you to look into is well worth your time just look at the information with an open mind and after you do that then make a fully informed decision about what is rubbish or not.

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