Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Thursday, March 22, 2012

This is all you effeminate twinks need to know about your master

This is all you effeminate twinks need to know about your master

You have perps all over this page. You should be especially aware of Buddy00Che00Hinton.

You have perps all over this page. You should be especially aware of Buddy00Che00Hinton. He's a real piece of shit and happens to be friends with some real bonafide psychopaths. You'd be wise to block him and 10-12 other accounts that they have running COINTELPRO on TIs, at the moment. Tis should not give these pustules an outlet on their channels. Basically, I've come here to tell you that someone forgot to flush.

1 comment:

  1. pustules........Typical TI crying. I am like Jigsaw from the SAW movies. I give TI's a new lease on life while pointing out how totally ungrateful they are. BOOK IT!
