Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Air Section Joins the Chorus

You may remember my video entitled "The Heat is On - I Won't Be Chilled." In it I discussed how the perpetrators of my stalking campaign tried to use police intimidation to prevent me from further exercising my First Amendment rights in order to document and call attention to the crimes which are being committed against me by some in the law enforcement and intelligence communities. Well, I guess they figured the problem with that approach is that they didn't have a high enough "force multiplier" and they needed to send in the gunships to scare me into submission. After some setup attempts failed, they sent the helicopter from the city police force over to "shock and awe" me with their technological superiority and overwhelming advantage. The intent was to demoralize me to the point of curling up in the fetal position and dying in a ditch a broken and destroyed man because of the abuses that are being directed at me by so many in my community, including those with the monopoly on power. Unfortunately for them, that is not an option for me and I am going to continue to take the steps necessary to seek redress of my rights, which have been taken from me without due process, in what I imagine was a secret meeting within the executive where someone signed my death by a thousand cuts warrant.

Uploader Comments (thetruthisoutthere32)

  • Whats TI resistance and what is that fountain "art work" called or any info about it?
  • @SouthernCross33 - I don't know what the TI Resistance is, I had never heard about it until some perps came and paid my channel a visit asking me to work for them. I assume it's COINTELPRO style tactics meant to splinter any growing movement among targeted individuals. Whatever it is has been trying to do whatever they can to discredit me, from defamation campaigns to attempted setups. I don't know what the name of the statue is, but it sits in front of the Franz Kafka Museum in Prague.
  • Let's just say convienence can cause confusion on every level. Convienence has been a downward slope throughout history, we will someday reach the bottom of our mountain, then maybe we will all have a desire to climb back up together and leave no one behind. Thanks anyway Pistraurder, I have no confusion over the matter.
  • @TheSolodragon - It's going to take a congressional investigation to get to the heart of this dragon so it can be slain, but I will continue to do my part to expose these people to the best of my ability.

1 comment:

  1. The nimbusters have rejected me even though I can be as queer as any of them. I just don't get it mate.
