Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Obama's New Debt Ceiling Powers

Obama graciously accept the expanded power of the executive branch. The House realize Obama need emergency debt power to make moves like the international player he is.
Obama has a mandate from the citizens of Amerabia to do whatever he sees fit to do to make substantial and permanent Change to his Kingdom. He will soon order Congress to be disbanded and rule all matters himself, no matter how small. The word of Obama is Law. Insurrection and noncompliance will be punished severely.

Praise Obama!
Strong leaders need emergency powers to deal with any crisis that may arise. Socialism calls for bold moves and inconvenient things like deliberative bodies will only stifle progress. A leader like Obama only comes around once in a generation and we need to clear the road for them.

WASHINGTON — With time growing short and warnings more dire, the first, fragile signs emerged Thursday of a possible compromise to raise the nation's debt limit and avert a potentially catastrophic default on Aug. 2.

Under a plan discussed by the Senate's top two leaders, President Barack Obama would receive enhanced authority to raise the debt limit at the same time procedures would be set in motion that could lead to federal spending cuts.

Word that Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky were at work on the fallback plan came as Obama and congressional leaders met for a fifth straight day in debt-crisis talks at the White House.

McConnell pronounced the session a good one and said, "We're going to continue to discuss a way forward over the next couple of days and see what happens."

A White House official said congressional leaders would consult with their rank-and-file members on the spending cuts and tax increases proposed by one side or the other so far, and negotiators would
probably meet during the weekend.

Obama was slated to hold a presss conference Friday to address the status of negotiations at 11 a.m. ET.

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