Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Friday, July 15, 2011

The new era that Obama promises demands us to live

If you spend to much time with Americans your brain starts to shrink!!

As a member of a racist race of people I can only apologise to the native Americans and the rest of the world! Historically Europe was getting pretty crowded and crazy after the middle ages with a lot of human scum we had to dispose of. So we needed faraway human garbage dumps.

Rightwing pig wrote:

The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality. The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on earth.And it's only getting worse. Long gone are the days of protecting and serving, and community policing.Soviet Style US Courts, along with Police, are Revenue Collection Systems.

Trust in Obama to do the correct things to meet our needs. Praise Obama!

Our broader geopolitical ambitions are served by high gas price. Gasoline should be $10 gallon to punish the unsustainable activities of the fringe outcast who choose to live an anti-social existence out in the wilderness. The new era that Obama promises demands us to live in dense urban area where we can best utilize local efficiencies.

Money is a National resource, like trees, and air, and single homes, and is rightfully the property of the state, to distribute to those who have earned it by their loyalty and productivity, as well as their needs. Too much is concentrated in the hands of the Wealthy, and it must be redistributed .Smart folks don't have to debase themselves to have as good a life as you. They know Obama will see them through.

This country was founded on everybody being equal to one another. For some reason conservatives think equality doesn't apply when it comes to dividing up the government's money. I say it's high time the government steps up and lives up to what the Founding Fathers original intent was in the Constitution and relieves these greedy piglets of our share of the loot. Money belongs to everybody and these jokers have been holding on to more than their fair share of "We the People's" property far too long.

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