Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Rantings of an insane gun nut

ne problem the Founding Fathers never

Posted By: considered when writing the Constitution

...was that unlike the first revolution that was fought against basically a foreign king and foreign army, any subsequent revolution would be fought against our own countrymen/fellow citizens.
Yes, it could be correctly argued that we were all British subjects and the king was 'our' king and the British soldiers our fellow subjects. Kinda.

The problem today is that beside the fact that these are domestic leaders that we all elected and now live with us on our soil, an overthrow of the government could so easily cross the line into complete and total anarchy forever. Once Washington D.C. was "liberated" the militia types who did the overthrowing could so easily turn into a military junta, suspending the Constitution and declaring their own martial law. This could be a good thing if and only if the intention was to purge all of the inessential bureaucrats, chronic welfare cheats, liberal judges, etc., and then return the country to the Constitution. Power corrupts so this would be a very delicate thing.

Also, once the government was overthrown to return it to the Constitution, doubtless there would be questions about how to re-write the Constitution to forestall future problems with the Bill of Rights, especially the Second Amendment etc. Which in itself could run us all down another kind of rabbit hole. After all, what is the likelihood that another set of Thomas Jeffersons, John Adams', Benjamin Franklin types would be around to write a second, equally inspired but improved Constitution.
Then, as pointed out down the board, while this internal conflict/overthrow was ongoing, what would stop an opportunistic Hugo Chavez, Hu Jintao, Vlad Putin to moblize their armies to walk right in and usurp the situation and claim that military junta for themselves?

The Second Amendment may be the Doomsday/Reset Button Amendment, but it didn't come with any other instructions after that Reset Button had been pushed a second time.
It is not a question of 'if', but 'when'. When they do, you, American people, will be left with no choice. You, all Americans, will have to decide whether you intend to live out your life as a citizen or as a slave. Remember that your decision will not only affect you, but those that come after you as well; kids, grandkids, etc.

When this thing goes 'wheels up', there will be no turning back. You will be labeled, you will be demonized and the only support you'll get will be from the few who share your beliefs, but remember this;

Over two centuries ago, a group of rag-tag peasants were in the same position. They faced overwhelming odds, they were labeled, they were demonized and enjoyed the support of only about 30% of the population. In spite of all this, they perservered. They committed themselves to ensuring that generations to come would live in liberty. The birth of a Republic was the result of their sacrifice, and the re-birth of a Republic may well be the result of yours. It is becoming abundantly clear just why they want to take away our firearms. God Bless America & God Bless you fine patriots !

I have spent most of my life believing in an ideal. I believed in America. The land of the FREE and the Home of the Brave. I truly believed that "our way" was the best. Have experienced socialism, communism, and dictatorships. I know in my heart and in my mind that they are wrong.
But now, we are being dragged kicking and screaming into that abyss called socialism. It cant be much longer until the America that we knew is gone. Completely altered by the damn politicians.
We are no longer a Representative Republic. We have slid so far on the slippery slope of political correctness, social justice, and equality that we can't fix the problem in any way other than revolt.
Revolution. Social acceptance is no reason to tolerate injustice.

In any sane mans mind, giving to non-producers from the pockets of the few that do is a clear road to national suicide. At some point, the money will no longer be there. At that point, it will be years too late for anyone to do anything about the problem.
Today, we just passed the point of no return. I strongly urge all of you to seriously consider your options and prepare accordingly.
God is on the side of the righteous, but he still allows fools to have free will. Free will to make our lives less than American.

 you are being oppressed by demons. I see can see you sometimes trapped inside the computer monitor screaming and I hope im not too late to help you my friend? I have invoked friendly guardian entities so I know from experience what it feels like. You must accept jesus christ as your saviour repent of all sin and then use his name and protection to rebuke them. We cannot fight satan in our own strenth, only the name and power of our lord can defeat them. In a way, satan and his minions are already on the nimbusters board and will do anything to seperate us. I have been hearing the voices coming through my computers cable line straight to the nimbusters board. I wanted to warn stan but I don't want stan to think im nuts. If you talk to the voices and they start answering you, you may have the gift from God to be able to hear that?

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