Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Psychic Warfare Explained - A Bifurcated Attack on My Wellbeing

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This video details some of the goals underlying the targeting of civilians, by their own governments, in what is a dirty war that is providing quite the opportunity to test, validate, and prove tracking systems and weapons applications in urban environments, on those who are being victimized by a system that has deemed a person's Constitutional rights null and void in an egregious and illegal manner. This video details a two-pronged attack whereby the online mental aspect of the attack against me may have been operating as merely a diversion and a smokescreen for the more serious and detrimental physical attack that was taking place simultaneously.

I ran out of typing space . So I'm going to send this comment . You're videos , they're very informative chilling and scary and upsetting what goes on out there . I don't want to get involved , i have had a lot of stress in my past and I'm not young anymore . I just hope you will be okay . I got to go , got to get some sleep . Take care .
  • I understand. That seems to be the consensus amongst Americans. I've got news for people, if a person is a citizen of this nation and resides inside the U.S. they are involved, whether they like it or not, whether they want to acknowledge it or not. These people are implementing these systems for a reason. The purpose for them does not bode well for life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, or the pursuit of property. I am not exaggerating or kidding when I say that we are dealing with Nazis.
  • I'm not trying to upset you but I got to tell you something and it's just an opinion . Let's just say if you stop posting videos of the government corruption and all the crazy stuff . You think they would leave you alone ? You're smart , you can write a book ! Or do your music . Maybe finished the law school . It just seems like a war. And it is hard to battle with not enough troops . i'm not saying give up or give in . Maybe just lie low for a while . Just a thought that's about it .
  • They targeted me and tried to murder me before I ever posted a video. No, I don't think they'll leave me alone. They will just use it as an opportunity. This enemy is very opportunistic. I have rights in this nation and I'll be damned if I am going to allow a bunch of criminals who are operating outside of the law deter me from exercising them. This information is important. They are targeting many others out there who are also innocent of any crimes. These are serious human rights abuses.
  • People need to understand what is at stake here. I do not want to live under totalitarianism and I think that other people should feel the same. If more people would crawl out from under their rocks and realize that war has been waged on this nation and its foundational ideology and actually protect and defend the Constitution then we wouldn't be facing a situation whereby the government can conduct targeted killings of civilians in the first place.
  • WTF, sh*t is getting out of hand . How can people be so fr*cking mean. The land of freedom yeah . I guess its bullsh*t . Be strong ! But all i can say .
  • It sure is getting out of hand. This is the land of the free and the U.S. Constitution is still the law of the land. That's not bullshit. The people trying to circumvent it are bullshit. Thanks for viewing. I am glad you did, because some of it pertains to the conversation that we were having in the comments section of the release right before this one. Take care and keep your eyes peeled.
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