Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Saturday, May 5, 2012

G.I. Perp - A Real American Asshole (Theme Song)

I thought I would teach someone a thing or two about parodies. However, this really is more satirical in nature. Using the opening theme to the 1980's G.I. Joe cartoon, I ridicule the culture that I am living in that utilizes citizen spies and confidential informers to engage in multiplexed community based harassment, which is really just one aspect of a dirty war that includes the targeted killing of U.S. civilians by its own government.

Now you know why all my other works are instrumentals. I can't sing, but I couldn't afford to hire a professional singer either, and I really wanted to complete this work, so I said screw it. I think it adds to the comical effect. I hope you enjoy as well.


Yo Perp!

He'll fight for evil where ever there's goodness
G.I. Perp is there

G.I. Perp- A real American asshole
G.I. Perp is there

It's G.I. Perp against government targets
Fighting to ruin their day
Where ever you go
He'll always stalk you
Fighting to perp on land, sea, and air

G.I. Perp- A real American asshole
G.I. Perp is there

G.I. Perp is the codename for American's cowardly, poorly trained secret police force. It's purpose, to destroy human freedom by using a ruthless domestic terrorist group determined to crap all over America.

He always gives up
He's an incompetent boob
G.I. Perp is lame

G.I. Perp- A real American asshole
G.I. Perp

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