Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Another WTF Youtube Moment G.I. Perp - A Real American Asshole Part II

This is a continuation of my talk detailing my interactions with one of the online stalkers here on Youtube who has embedded himself in its online community in order to further harass and psychologically abuse targets of a system of politicide that is marked by a growing and ever present Stasi-like system in America. Some of the methods that these online stalkers are using on targets are also discussed here

  • ChillinWithMyRayGun
    ChillinWithMyRayGun posted a comment
    1 day ago
    hey bro someone tried to apologized to you on my comments page. I apologize too. It seems like there's a lot of trolls around lately
  • DaisyDukeRock
    DaisyDukeRock posted a comment
    2 days ago
    WOW - I had no idea that I was this great and mighty, to whereas I actually possessed this kind of Power and could bring YT down, coupled with your amazing abilities and presence... WOW are we a force to be reckoned with, or what?! Although, it was my understanding that YT fell by the wayside when they had their 'New Change'... Thereafter, it was merely the likes of the FAKE CHANNELS that started all of this Drama BS crap; which obviously has NOTHING to do with 'US' in the least - As IF - Right!?! :(
  • DaisyDukeRock
    DaisyDukeRock posted a comment
    2 days ago
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    The answer is worse; he's an agent. I knew to stay away from the get go. I just let him think he had another easy mark on his hands long enough to get a good read on him. Thanks for the belated warning. Do you want to know something? He warned me to stay away from you? I wouldn't visit any of the websites to which he directs people. He talks about broadband over power line as if it can automatically tap into your computer without any sort of connectivity authentication. It's still a Wifi access point, it just transmits upstream through the power lines instead of DSL or fiber optic. It's far more likely that the computers of targets are being infected with malware by visiting sites that they are being socially engineered to visit by people claiming to want to help them.
  • FreedumbFighter29
    FreedumbFighter29 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    Word of advice....stay away from that TAPSCEO guy. He is a charleton and a con artist. He has disseminated PLENTY of disinfo when it comes to gang stalking and promotes paranoia and fear. His idea of unity, is his tyranical rule over everything you say and do. He is a classic paranoia case, or worse, an agent keeping track of people like you. STAY AWAY....I should of said something sooner...but I havent been around, and hadnt seen him posting on yer channel, so I figured he had went back to the rock from where he crawled out of.Anyway, Just popped in to see whats shakin, hope yer well. Stay strong bro. Laterz
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    I think it's funny how both TAPSCEO and BuddyChe deride me for living in my mother's basement because I needed to escape the heavy targeting occurring at my old residence, once again demonstrating his complete insensitivity toward those who are being targeted. At least I don't get my mother to help fight my online battles for me.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    evelynjean1956 posted a comment 1 hour ago "Hi, Thetruthisoutthere32 again stated that a major airliner is stalking him. Targeted individuals suffer enough ridicule without adding delusion to the issue. Sigh... Hoping you are well and hope to hear from you soon. Good work holding up against the haters." Quotes taken out of context is a major tactic of disinformation agents. Notice how EvelynJean1956 is also a liar. I never claimed that a major airliner was stalking me. I claim that aircraft are being diverted over my physical location, which would be fairly easy and inexpensive to accomplish, and that some of my targeting is obviously being conducted by aircraft, as I have witnessed ground based guidance of aircraft participating in my targeting.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    These inconsistent statements lead me to believe that "thetruthisoutthere Yes" channel was created to mess with the minds of those in the targeted community, and in an attempt to discredit me. I believe that only one of those statements is correct, and that "thetruthisoutthere Yes" is also a TAPSCEO sock-puppet designed for the purpose of producing such inconsistencies on the channels of others so that TAPSCEO could then blame me. You ask; if that's the case, why would he make a truthful statement that reflects poorly upon himself? Obviously, to deflect the blame away from him and because it would later be masked by such inconsistent statements. It is also interesting that when the channel was first formed the channel name was "Ed Moore" and that TAPSCEO feigned heroics, early on, by claiming to out the registration name of that channel because it had "attacked the foundation." These shenanigans are becoming more and more absurd as their desperation to discredit me grows.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    The verdict is in on "thetruthisoutthere Yes." "thetruthisouthere Yes" posted a comment 3 days ago (05/01/12): "buddy is shit and a TAPSCEO front. book that asshole" "thetruthisouthere Yes" posted a comment 15 hours ago (05/03/12): "Buddy Hinton is a DDR Sock-puppet. I have been monitoring this situation for months now. I think Daisy is in need of heavy psychotropic medications. She WILL NOT seek help. Pray for her."
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    Isn't it interesting how TAPSCEO is now using the exact same lines that 27Noodles59 was using when I outed her as a perp agent? Isn't it also interesting how all of these moles act very sympathetic to the victims of these crimes while they are contacting them to mine data. Yet, as soon as they are outed as operatives they begin taking the posture of calling the victims of this cruel system as crybabies, effectively minimizing what are essentially crimes against humanity, violations of conventions against torture, bans on the use of chemical and biological agents, and Geneva Convention violations. Interesting indeed. You can see how they are operating from a playbook and how they fall back on protocols that have been developed for them to use given certain contingencies. It's sickening.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    What's interesting about TAPSCEO's last post is that it was written at 10:02 P.M. on May 2, 2012, and in the last hour I have had two direct overflights and one flyby of my physical location. At around 9:30 a blue Toyota truck pulled onto my street and turned around right in front of my house simultaneous to a flyby within hundreds of feet of my house over the lake. The truck was probably tagging my position for targeting purposes. At 9:45 and 10:07 direct overflights with loud engine noise and rumbling occurred. His handlers must have told him to write his message about the planes to coincide with the last overflight as a sick joke. What a perp-stain!
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    TAPSCEO posted a comment 18 minutes ago "Let's see if I can't make a post that truth can actually translate correctly Something he can wrap this teeny tiny brain around. Thetruthisoutthere32 and thetuthisouthere Yes= narcissistic drama queen. There you go I bet you won't have any trouble translating that 1. But if you do I have a few more that will help you. LOL. Your posts crack me up. The ones about the airplanes are particularly amusing to me. Like they will waste thousands of dollars in fuel just to fly over your house. Yup, air traffic control only Functions when they know they have your schedule So they can properly reroute all of these 1,000,000 dollar jets. Your pathetic man"
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    Isn't it interesting how two people in the targeted community with military backgrounds turned out to be perps? To me, it's quite telling and confirms some of my thoughts regarding who's responsible for these human rights atrocities. Isn't it also interesting how TAPSCEO upgraded to a new icon at the exact same time that I found the DeimosSaturn disinformation video? Isn't it interesting how TAPSCEO change the color of his background from maroon to blue at around the same time that Possums1010 called him out for it? Isn't it interesting how every other target claims that the police are of no assistance, yet Todd pretends that the Lima Police Department roles out the red carpet for him every time he wants to make another video?
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    To TAPSCEO: 1.) It is not backstabbing someone when you are defending yourself from a perp attack, which you so clearly launched, leading to the only logical conclusion, that you are a perp. 2.) You are a liar. 3.) I would never be friends with a perp. 4.) It does get old having perps try to befriend you in order to betray you. I'm sorry that you are now incapable of empathizing with real human emotions, further evidencing your perpdom. 5.) You don't scare me, perp.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    To the bozos trying to paint me as crazy: When you were born of a filthy construction worker, in a pot-o-potty, you already measured 25 curics on the human excrement scale (that's about 60 lbs). Since that time, you have only grown into an even larger amorphous blob of shit. We need a dump truck in order to get you to the sewage treatment plant where they will be able to take care of the problem that you present to the world. Your stench is driving away decent folk, who are frightened by your sight and smell, which presents an even greater threat to society than this imaginary mental illness you claim I have. Society needs to do a better job prioritizing. I know funding is limited but I'd say that the money would be better spent flushing you and your crew, than misusing the mental health laws in order to sweep an innocent person away for speaking up in a way that is embarrassing to all the walking piles of shit operating in our society.
  • organizedstalking3
    organizedstalking3 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    The comments section feed on this channel has been fixed as of now!
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    How can someone make you do anything? What are they threatening you with? Why would you succumb to such threats? You only open yourself up to more coercion in the future as now they know that you can be plied through such means. Can you provide me with more of an explanation regarding why you would choose to do their dirty work? You're different than most, because at least you provided an apology while you were doing it, which means that you have a conscience and should not allow such creeps to destroy it. You should hold onto it at all costs. You're going to need it to maintain your humanity, in the not so distant future.
  • Jimmy Larson
    Jimmy Larson posted a comment
    2 days ago
    I'm sorry theruthisoutthere32 but they are making me do this to you. I have no other choice. I'm sorry.
  • Tsadi9Mem9Khet9
    Tsadi9Mem9Khet9 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    What is that "thetruthisouthere Yes" thing, which doesn't link to an actual channel?
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