Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Friday, April 6, 2012

Perpisms II: Driving Through Hazeville to Get Some Smokes

Prior to my knowledge about this demented system of forced removal from society I always knew that there were many assholes in the world. However, because of my recent experiences, I have come to the conclusion that my previous estimates were quite low. Anyone who would sell out their nation and its promise of freedom for a car lease or the Monopoly money that the treasury department has been printing is a miserable asshole. Apparently, there are more of these people than I would have cared to imagined. Any time I leave the house I am followed by this kind of un-American scum. The funny thing is that some of them are so stupid that they are actually convinced that they are the good guys. This is what happens when traitors to your nation allow foreign powers to flood your streets and neighborhoods with drugs as a way of waging unconventional warfare. It's also what happens when school curricula are usurped by federal spending powers and the aim goes from educating the masses to producing generations of dumbed-down idiots who cannot think critically and lack the capacity to understand the long-term repercussions of their own actions.

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