I love beautiful, sexy, lacy, strappy pajamas, but who really sleeps in that? I generally sleep in the oldest, softest cotton T-shirt I can find. My Obama 08 shirt is my most comfy..... Everyone should be a back sleeper. All day long we flex over our computer screens, dinner tables, and books, and we never do extension unless we do the up dog in yoga class. When you're on your back, you open up the rib cage, rest your back muscles and -- believe it or not -- work your abs. Your neck is neutral and your face isn't mashed into the pillow, so you're not getting wrinkles. It's a win, win, win, win situation!
Join The Pacific Northwest Coleman Lantern Collectors Tribute ! To America's Premier Artists Portraying The Gay LGBT Community In Street Scenes And Events. One of the many rainbow themed parties is the Pacific Northwest Coleman Collectors " Mini-Gathering Campout - Beefy Boy BBQ " and Cross-cultural transgendered workshop. Our goal is two-fold: to promote awareness of Coleman's history and to develop better communications and addressing bias and prejudices .
Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

I used to think UF was normal and sane. Did you ever suspct him of being loony?