The Great Lakes Coleman Collector’s spring meet will be held at Jerry's Camping Center in Madison Wisconsin on Friday March 16th & Saturday March 17th. This is an informal regional gathering and you do not have to be a member of the ICCC to attend. Actually, you don’t even have to be from a state or province touching the Great Lakes to attend.
The store opens at 9:00 AM on Friday for those who can make it early to chat about lamps and lanterns. Pat will provide lunch at around noon. Set up of member’s items will begin in the back room after lunch and we will enjoy the Engbring’s hospitality at the store until it closes at 5:00 PM. At 6:00 PM there will be another get together at Jerry’s. Tours of the Coleman museum in the basement will be conducted and we will have food and fellowship in the garage by the new wood burner. The Engbrings will supply the food but it will be bring your own beverage. Jerry says the party will last until either the beer or the will to continue runs out. Rides can be provided for those who need one back to the hotel.
Saturday the meet will begin at 9:00 and again, Pat will be providing lunch. The meet will end around 2:30 PM after a light up. The group will reconvene at a local restaurant Saturday evening for dinner at shared expense (we will split the bill by the number attending).
Jerry has been hard at it bargaining with a hotel near his store and has obtained a $40 discount per night off the regular rate. Depending on the room, that is $59.00 to $89.00 a night. The hotel is the Sleep Inn and Suites and is located at 4802 Tradewinds Parkway, Madison WI 53718. Its telephone number is (608) 221-8100. We have 12 rooms on hold, but must book at least 2 weeks early to get the deal.
All I can say is
Jerry will be holding a raffle to finance the special patches that will only be available to those who have attended a Great Lakes meeting. The prize is a very well-polished Quicklight CQ.
Make plans now to attend. Bring gas pressure appliances (and parts) to sell, trade, or just light. Meet old friends and make new ones. If you were planning on pleading that Jerry’s is too far to travel, just keep in mind that the European contingent this year will include both Bo and Erwin.
Please join me in extending a heartfelt thanks to Pat and Jerry Engbring for their astonishing generosity and hospitality! These folks are amazing!

Sounds like a great gay time