7:15 3 Innocent Foreigners Abducted In Syria
1:25 Today Is The Day
5:15 FSA Using Children For Executions
13:30 On The Alleged Deaths in Stalin's USSR
4:20 Saudi Gov. Giving $100M To FSA Terrorists
4:06 US Slandering DPRK Satellite
15:18 So I hear you don't like me... (Sunday Commnetary)
13:11 Connecticut School Massacre Update
5:37 27 Dead In Elementary School Shooting
2:07 Ecuador May Grant Syria's Assad Asylum
4:14 Israel Faked Iran Nuke Weapon Data?
3:17 DPRK Satellite Launch Successful
9:29 Tim Hudak Aims At The LCBO
3:47 US Threatening New DPRK Rocket Launch
1:15 Gangnam Style Star Revealed As Anti-American
5:51 Economic Irrationality & Tim Hudak (Sunday Comm...
3:41 Capitalism Doesn't Rationally Allocate Resources
4:21 OMG You Have White Privilege!!!!
5:24 Cultural Marxism: A Stupid Idea For Stupid People
6:44 Bank Whistleblower's Children Murdered
11:44 DuPont w-Ex Cops Spying On Farmers
4:31 North Korea Proves Unicorns Exist?
3:02 DPRK Preparing New Rocket Launch
5:40 Canada Assaults UN Palestinian Decision (Sunday...
9:10 Palestine Wins "Non-member Observer Status"
2:59 Retweeting DPRK Gets Punished
8:25 US Planned To Nuke The Moon
10:26 112 Die In Bangladesh Sweat Shop Fire
3:59 FSA Terrorists Threaten Civilians
5:52 The New Red Dawn Movie
Join The Pacific Northwest Coleman Lantern Collectors Tribute ! To America's Premier Artists Portraying The Gay LGBT Community In Street Scenes And Events. One of the many rainbow themed parties is the Pacific Northwest Coleman Collectors " Mini-Gathering Campout - Beefy Boy BBQ " and Cross-cultural transgendered workshop. Our goal is two-fold: to promote awareness of Coleman's history and to develop better communications and addressing bias and prejudices .
Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Saturday, December 22, 2012
Maoist Rebel News
Gangsters and Psychopaths in Government
Religion is the biggest threat to humanity and obstacle on the way to socialism.Needs to be eradicated!
Bird32 was molesting at least six young children and videotaping the assaults ..The shame he has brought to his family
I had an AIDS infected shemale prostitute fuck me up the ass bareback last night
Bird bitch likes it on the bottom
Reminder : The male G-Spot is up the Poop Chute
I'm switching PC again until issue is corrected...
Bird Channel compromised .. BEWARE
Comrade Che & $$ Cell #138-47 has done a fine job gaining trust among the TI community
Perp cell #138 participating in the Toys for Tots Drop-Off Program this Christmas Season.
his perp works for thetruthisoutthere32/83 and is one of his accomplices. Click on that monster's user name to see for yourself. They've been terrorizing FFCHS & talkshoe, and now the rest of us true victims, all thanks to ttiot. Look, he can't even keep his story straight. First he says "perp scum" and then calls us "TI scum"! They terrorize talkshoe hosts and victims and then put their videos up here. Wake up please!
Command thinks the attacks are coming from f2 and maybe that's why he is joining their server?
LANZA TI: This time the OG programming worked.. :-)
Everyone has a "disorder" and requires "medication". The mental institutions were built for a reason, we need to keep them. Less Ritalin more killing.If the questionable person signs a promise they will not do any damage to themselves or others, they are released immediately. A police officer can't even take in a mentally incapable person unless they committ a crime. Sad Sad situation.
Q @bout aircraft canopy explosive trace -- udall There's going to be a lot of tragic boat accidents -- resulting ..Handlers don't get released..Robespierre -- 12/17/12 14:20 Ummm... that should be FBI, not CIA, perhaps? overlords like complacent easily led sheep :-)
Her real name is June T Kuwatani....The California Bitch. We have our Perps moved in next to her Apartment complex.operater reports jupiter web server has been under a fairly large scale DDoS attack
Lanza was a patsy, his dead body was dumped, 3 pro govt agents did the shooting.Has the time arrived for direct action?They were going to die anyway, might as well die for the cause of gun control .At least with Obama we know exactly where we stand .
Yet, the perps continue to perp away without conscience, without remorse. :-)
The definition of crazy is when say you are not crazy and then try to explain why you ain't crazy. Then you sound crazy. Ha ha....
Unmedicated and troubled TI's who have no clue about their own mental issues are a danger.
My old lady is the real "Ugly Betty"
Bird32 , I've found 95% of the population does as you do and will try to appease rather than fight for their rights.
Word of mouth keeps my doors open.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. -- But I have promises to keep.Look How Easy it was to Off JFK! If the Agenda.. Requires it, life or lives mean nothing! Of course, the cover-up has already begun!
Connecticut elementary school massacre: 20 children among 27 dead :-) Praise Him the one
It's time for another dose of truth serum: Do you know what's worse than overly obnoxious real world public displays of affection? I'd say it would have to be online attempts to emulate them in the virtual world. What's worse than that? Obviously, it's the mentality of the people who would take the time and energy to attempt such a feat, resulting in the presence of a bunch of hackneyed crap on their channels. Hopefully, this message finds those who need to hear it the most.
I just had the best falacio ever! Amazing what a Targeted Individual will do to stop the fun we inflict. This is the best job ever. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
TI filth talkers, they are just Internet terrorist nothing more.....
lda is going insane and is getting fucked with baaad: http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/webClient.jsp?masterId=99521&cmd=wc
When I am not at church, I like to look up old TI's and kill them
Warnings from multiple sources confirm that a space rock is going to hit the Atlantic, and soon.
Whats the best way to isolate oxygen containers used to pressurise a safe room?
Anonymous broke TUMBLR's server!!! EPIC LULZ!!! - We R Legion
Shooter named: Deshawn Mustafa LaDasha 87-9047
Webcam shows the misery of living in or near Houghton, MI
The FBI is setting up his studio now.President Obama should issue an executive order.Commander ANuSWiPe had buttsex in college?????? Can you verify this??????
*On location in USD 261 ... Waiting for further instructions Sir*
Brother bird32 has saw the light ! Rejoice in him the one the father hail Satan.
Hail our Father Satan brothers! Praise Obama!
The "police state" is coming, no matter what. It's just a natural organic development of civilization.
The psychopaths operating the technology that tortures people are very bad human beings. They have the mentality of a serial killer and a conscience to match. They don't care they are sociopath, psychopath, and murderers to their core.
Alda's Targeted Individual CommunityCall @ TALKSHOE live Now - Alda aka June T Kuwatani
So, anyway, tomorrow is 12/12 and the earth will end. How do you plan to celebrate?
12/12/12 is coming and cannot be stopped
thetruthisouthere32, The rich must pay more in taxes so the poor can buy more of the riches goods, helping the economy. You can run but you cunt hide !
A good ass fucking never hurt anyone
It looks like the two biggest groups on TalkShoe are perp shows and TI. Maybe they can unite.
Alda is certainly a paranoid nutbar, no doubt. Chuck says Malachi's baby cock is a "targeted member"..Why can't birdd32 get cancer instead of Hugo Chavez?
Well the TI filth are ready to negotiate. See you over on the secret board for a chat.
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