- attilaclark posted a commentWe might as well just come out and say it....THE PERPS ARE MASONIC CULT MEMBERS or someone they hired. End of the mystery series.
- attilaclark posted a commentThanks for your bravery and ability to verbalize the cowardice and malice that masquerades as a human being. The perp word is to kind. This is a Soviet style system that we are living in. But worse. Most people would crack under the stress, thank God you didn't and won't. May the best of empowerments come to you. William
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentIs there a scientific paper published on Puharich's work?
- countessarcadius posted a commentcheck this out, Puharich beamed ELF waves at volunteers. ELFs go right through the earth and right through metal walls. Those inside couldn't know if the signal was or was not being sent. And Puharich watched the reactions on the technical equipment: Thirty percent of those inside the room were taken over by the ELF signal in six to ten seconds. When I say taken over, I mean their behavior followed the changes anticipated at very precise frequencies.
- Tsadi9Mem9Khet9 posted a commentOh, so that idiot's channel name is a response to yours.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentTo the perps: You are the ones who sit in the shadows hitting people with EM waves without their knowledge and with gangs of stalkers to back you up in the event that a target gets wise and comes knocking on the door of the house you're hiding in. I am the one standing up to you people without any help or support. Tell me again who the coward is you demonic conduits. How can one be a traitor to a cause they never supported? What you people do is evil and I would never have any part in it. In the name of Jesus Christ be gone. In the name of Jesus Christ render the methods and weapons of these madmen useless. In the name of Jesus Christ let justice be served.
- roqueayala09 posted a commentwhat is the truth?
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentEarly on, I noticed the use of yard equipment such as lawnmowers, weed whackers, leaf blowers, and other noisy machines being used around me with a frequency inconsistent with prior experience. At first, I assumed that it was part of a noise campaign to further harass and induce stress in me. However, much like everything else the perps do, it has a dual use, and I believe it is also used to mask sound weapons, which targets will become more sensitive to after repeated exposure.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentWho said anything about me quitting? I don't have any intention of giving up on seeking justice and ending these crimes, even though they continue to try to crank it up on me.
- 131kimber posted a commentDon't quit. We are the Revolution. And you are NOT alone. They want you to be or think you are but our numbers are growing. They arent winning nor shall they. We are the front line. The others shall follow shortly when it becomes known as the Mass weapon they intend this crap to be. Mass weapon is for All the masses. Not just a single individual. They too shall know the inhuman ways of this administration. Give it time. Karma can be a bitch.
- pistraurder posted a commenthttp://www.stopbeamweapons.com/solutions.html#EMF_brain_shielding
- pistraurder posted a commenthttp://www.lessemf.com/mag-shld.html
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentTo xander7ful: I tried to respond back both on your channel comment section and private message but have learned that I have been blocked. Did you block me? If so, why? I have done nothing to deserve a block, which seems apparent by your willingness to post here.
- xander7ful posted a commentYou are correct. After I honked my car horn in support of a fake peace rally my perps put on, they then had a guy dressed in a tie-dye Tshirt stand out on a residential street with flyers to get me to stop and take one. Keep your eyes straight ahead and keep going. They love to set traps.
- justinwoolee posted a commentDon't know exactly but at the end of that TSA hiring commercial before I chopped the end off for fit & finish reasons they had listed the following web address "NaturalNews.com/activism" Maybe they are the manufacturers or one step closer to the manufacturers.
- 131kimber posted a commentExpose them. Expose them. Expose them. And I am going to help. Dirt bags only come around if your doing it right. So keep up the great job.
- 131kimber posted a commentDon't worry I'm keeping my eyes and heart on the people I know who are victims of this stuff. Since we arent dealing with mature, decent people....Maybe you made them mad because you said the Charmin isn't soft enough :-)
- xanaxkamikaze posted a commentI find some very sad words to hear from someone who simply recognizes that the end of his way of life in on the very near horizon. But it seems that so many want more pain. They want more evil. It seems that there is not enough evil in the world to keep all the stupid people happy. All of this is building against the grain. Against nature...
- plexusxxl posted a commentThanks for replaying. I'll go through your vids, they look like a good piece of study. Definitely, good cop bad cop usually. You can never be accurate enough when dealing with this whole issue; the rabbit hole goes very deep into the nature of modern human existence, and beyond. I guess this is the way they grind transhumanism, plus neo-naci-fascism or something. Anyway, never trust any single one of them; one minute they appear to befriend you and the next they happen to "remember" something about you and give the thumbs down. Same for real people around you, they at tampered with to behave like that, too. Therein the senseless perps witch hunt we all TI's endure all of the time. Good luck and keep going.
- 131kimber posted a commentSomeday Mr Truth I hope to meet those whom have been true victims such as yourself and a few others under the auspices of a happy life. Until then you are the articulate voice for us who suffer illegal atrocities leveed by our very own government.
- organizedstalking3 posted a commentKeep up your productions truth we support you
- pistraurder posted a commentpeople actually accused you of having "backing" because of the videos you post? I find this amusing. I think you are doing the right thing in terms limiting contact with people online and focusing on your work, not getting involved with them, distracted. it can be very tempting when you are targeted as we often end up completely isolated with no one with whom to talk and relate. keep making things. you create powerful videos.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentI wonder if it'll be back to the street perp for Noodles after this failure of hers.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentIt's quite clear to me at this point in time that the only use Noodles has in her capacity as a perp agent is to provide a distraction for me to follow, to slow the development of the content that I create. Therefore, I will just post the fact that Noodles is a perp in my channel description in the hopes that other targets will take heed and I will move on. 27Noodles59 has been neutralized because the mind of any legitimate discerning target that has watched what has transpired should be able to arrive at the proper conclusion. I am done with that worm and not because of the pathetic threats she and her cronies have been leveling against me, but because anymore time spent on her is a complete waste of it.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentNewsflash: Although I do not like going to war with others, anyone who attacks me will be dealt with in this gender neutral medium, male and female alike. The internet is about ideas and not about gender. This is a mental theater and not a physical one. Therefore, those inherent physical differences between men and women have no bearing here. Those who make gender an issue here and then hide behind it like a shield are the type who would be cowardly enough to be gang stalkers.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentI am going to have to call bullshit on the rather weak explanation by DaisyDukeRock for "all of the 'Drama' that occurred," which is quoted in the comment below. This explanation is nothing more than an obvious attempt to recover from the operation that Noodles and Company botched when they tried running a perp job on me on my own channel and exposed themselves as the scum they happen to be. I hope this will be a lesson to any other agents posing as TIs. Your bullshit doesn't fly over here on this channel. Try to run me down with your perp tactics and you will get burned. This example should act as a scarecrow to all undercover perp agents to stay the hell away from me and my channel.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentI saw that DaisyDukeRock had written this over at a friends channel last week: "Warning... This may EXPLAIN ALL - Not Sure?! However, after all of the 'Drama' that occurred, within the past several weeks, it has has been duly noted that both Noodles and PacLuv's YT Accounts were hacked into and there were PM's and comments sent, made by the 'Hackers' to whereas it may perhaps explain what and why this trouble ensued, again, not sure but it is plausable?! Please take ALL thngs into consideration first, prior to make any assumptions - As these creeps can do almost anything, and that includes trying to divide the TI community, as a whole! You know that there is 'Safety in Numbers' - So, they try to divide ALL , in order that we might fall - But, we shall NEVER - As there is great safety in numbers, much like in the "Bible' and I do believe that is when we ALL stand, collectively, together - UNITED! Thanks! :) Bless You! <3"
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentDoes anyone find it creepy that Noodles has "COMING SOON TO YOUR OWN HOMETOWN!" as her channel title and is featuring the "get away from her you bitch" Aliens clip? Is this a threat? Isn't it equally creepy how she has decided to wrap herself in the cloak of anti-bullying, which is precisely the movement that has been used to actually institutionalize the type of bullying in which she is engaged. In addition, isn't it interesting that the spread of the anti-bullying movement has resulted in more and not less bullying. Could it be that those behind this movement are hypocrites? It sure seems that way from my vantage point as a targeted individual and my experience with workplace and school mobbing as well as cyber-stalking.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentIf she was legitimate, I'd let it go. She's not. And the reason I know this is because she is using the same operational manual that the perps at my former law school used. Those who use the tactics of the enemy against me place themselves in their rightful category. All I did was call some of the poser TIs out and block them when they attempted to run a perp job against me on my channel. They responded by launching this COINTELPRO operation, including a mass mailing defamation campaign, that you have been witnessing for the last couple weeks. They don't like having their cover blown.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentPerps are lower than prostitutes because at least prostitutes derive payment by screwing those who pay them for the service. Perps take payment and other favors from their hidden masters who direct them to screw third parties, who are not willing participants, over in ways that are unimaginable even to the street hooker. Perping is paid for hire mind-rape. And Noodles and Company are the master perp dominatrixes in this bordello known as Youtube.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentSo far I have seen three leprosy carrying cockroach perps try to point to the so-called "Hollywood type productions" I have been creating as proof that I have someone's backing. Gimme a break! You guys want to know my secret? It's called Windows Live Movie Maker and a whole lot of substance. In this day and age when everything is lacking that quality, it might seem like movie magic when someone comes at you with some solid substantive material. However, I have yet to be granted access to any Hollywood studios or given funding from any executive producers, although I would not turn down the chance as long as I could maintain creative control of my own projects and I am not required to sign in blood. These perps don't give people much credit do they, which is yet another difference between them and me.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentDon't shoot the messenger guys, but do you want to know what I heard? 27Noodles59 admits to condoning child abuse by suggesting that children deserve to be beaten and fed toxic cleaning agents.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentSince I do not have an group of toadies and sycophants to drop in and validate my existence, I thought that I would start posting daily affirmations on my own channel to boost my own self esteem. To start, I'd like to keep it simple and follow Stuart Smalley's lead. "I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!" To conclude, I would also like to add that my soul is not only beautiful, it's awe inspiring. If I give myself three of these awe inspiring soul awards, it means that I am a super-hero.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentCountless dirtbags continue to try to intimidate me by making it clear that they are part of a powerful gang and that they are many, by using the such phrases as "we are legion" and "expect us." Well, assholes, expect me, myself, and I, the individual, whom you assail and try to assassinate with your perp tactics. I am even more unforgiving and less forgetful than you are, because you see, I don't have the bureaucratic inefficiency of groupthink built into my operation. I act with one mind and not many, such is the power of the individual, you collectivist maggots.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentFacts: Noodles and others engaged me with gaslighting techniques and ambient abuse in the comments section of my video "Cowardice." When they were blocked they immediately removed the comments they had made, started acting very perpishly, and launched a mass mailing defamation campaign against me and have been libeling me and stalking me on Youtube in a style reminiscent of COINTELPRO. Now, she has created fake accounts and is attributing them to me and sending hordes of her perp friends to threaten and harass me.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentNoodle's friends are now threatening me via e-mail. Isn't having multiple people gang up on one individual the very definition of gang stalking? The following is one of these threats: "If you were wise , which you obviously are not , you would walk the fuck away and leave 27Noodles59 the fuck alone . Your games have run their course and now Myself and many others are going to get involved . You are a piece of shit troll and a fucking keyboard bully and your bullshit will not be tolerated any longer . Last warning , walk the fuck away and cease your harassment or suffer the consequences , your choice . Expect Us !"
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentI'm pretty sure you perps already know where I live, which is why I can't even go outside at 5:00 A.M. without you revving up your engines and driving past my house in an obnoxious manner. It's also why I couldn't eat dinner tonight without 4 cops driving by and engaging in street theater a block down from my location. Remember, the most formidable opponent is the one with nothing left to lose. Imagine what I'll be like then. Oh, and the reason I am living in someone's basement is because you assholes are torturing me for pleasure because your lives are useless and you wish to drag everyone down to your disgraceful level. It doesn't matter where I live; I'm still better than any perp who ever lived.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentWhere's my "Beautiful Soul Award?" I guess those are only given out to liars, hypocrites, and perpetrators. My bad.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentThose who can, do; those who can't, perp. Ask Noodles and Company.
- thetruthisoutthere32 posted a commentThose self-proclaimed saints who engage in the most despicable acts annoy the hell out of everyone. Just visiting their pages to scope out what they are saying about me makes me sick. All they do is hop on bandwagons, mirror what they think is hot, feature bad 1980's music, pat each other on the back needlessly, and defame genuine targets like me. It truly is nauseating. Now, excuse me I don't have time to engage in flame wars with nincompoops. I have some actual content to produce.
Join The Pacific Northwest Coleman Lantern Collectors Tribute ! To America's Premier Artists Portraying The Gay LGBT Community In Street Scenes And Events. One of the many rainbow themed parties is the Pacific Northwest Coleman Collectors " Mini-Gathering Campout - Beefy Boy BBQ " and Cross-cultural transgendered workshop. Our goal is two-fold: to promote awareness of Coleman's history and to develop better communications and addressing bias and prejudices .
Coleman Lantern Collectors Corner

Sunday, April 15, 2012
About Those Who Can, Do; Those Who Can't, Perp
The Dangers Of Gang Stalking
- thetruthisoutthere32 grandfather was one of the original founding perps back in 1949.
- Buddy00Che00Hinton ? Tell us about this ? s4s anf other linkewd
- I'm sorry to hear this my brother.We could have gone far you and I.
- What cell? I am not part of any cells or gangs; I am impervious to minimal group paradigm; and I happen to think that ganging up on unsuspecting people to ruin and end their lives, while lurking in the shadows, is extremely cowardly behavior. If you want my advice, you should quit joining gangs and cells, start searching for your individuality, and take a shot at redemption.
- thetruthisoutthere32 I would like to join up with your cell..
- I seriously doubt you would live up to your word and actually leave people alone once you have disposed of me.
- Jesus did not bargain with his untrustworthy assailants in such a way. He did what he did because that was his purpose and it was commanded by God. He did not agree to meet some gang stalker in a back alley so that he could be silenced and murdered without incident or anyone knowing the truth about what happened. He was martyred.
- Its simple..You for all of them..they will live the rest of their lives in peace and we get you.. Will you give all to save your brother man and all the generations to come.
- No, I am not asking you to join me. I am an individual and not a part of any group. I am asking you to disband from the groups in which currently engaged and refrain from the kind of activity that pits you against someone else for no other reason than the fact that they speak the truth.
- thetruthisoutthere32 are you asking me to join you and the rest of the perps a TAPS ?
- I am not a pig. I am not a traitor. My grandfather was not a perp. And you should serious consider what this cause is that you support. You are on the wrong side. People do not deserve to be treated in the manner that you condone treating them. People should be treated with respect and dignity. Perhaps you have forgot that because of the culture you have immersed yourselves in, but it is your choice whether you wish to redeem yourselves. I would advise that you do, because the torment that TI's face is nothing compared to what is in store for you if you do not.
- thetruthisoutthere32 this is not secure and the code your using is out of date.Please refrain from messing us in this manner.
- The truth is not filth.
- thetruthisoutthere32 get down on your fucking hands and knee's bitch and beg us for your freedom.BEG like the dog you are and maybe I won't kick you harder then you deserve.
- Go to hell filth talker !
- Geno, We need you to do something more decisive. We... need you... to go up there... and remove... the TI's... nest! Let's not rush to judgement. My team will conduct a thorough investigation. Then, when all the facts are in... ??
- Perp Code Stan Lawson.. If you can tell me the rest I then know your not with the TI's
- What's that suppose to mean? It won't work.
- Yeah brothers! These are glorious victories we're securing for our country! Well, let's just say if I'm ever caught in a swirling current of raw sewage, I just hope thetruthisoutthere32 is by my side.
- Well, if what you are saying about Chief Lee is correct, then he's a criminal terrorists and a traitor to this nation. I do not negotiate with terrorists. If he truly wants a sit down then he can go through the proper channels and get a warrant that is issued upon probable cause by a judge or magistrate or he can contact my lawyer. I'm pretty sure you guys already know I have retained legal counsel because of all the setup attempts. Why should I believe you in the first place? The only thing you are good at is deception and terrorizing innocent people.
- thetruthisoutthere32 , I know one thing and that is Chief Robby would sure love to have a sit down with you. I think that would be the best thing for all of us. Have a great day Ramaniac007
- How would this piece of filth TI know a great man like Bobby Lee ? It woulld appear Bobby would have to have this nut case placed in the two rivers psychiatric hospital for his treatments.. I would gladly become part of staff for this one.
- thetruthisoutthere32 ! Please by all means contact Bobby Lee and relay the story. He would very much like to hear from you about this. Perhaps Bobby has a little rubber room with your name on it friend..I beg of you to contact him at once. Maybe we could come and visit with you once the treatments start and your allowed visits.
- To GenoParis: What makes you think I care about the Superintendent of School in Beverly Hills? I am not acquainted with him, nor have I ever been to Hollywood. Your comment makes no sense to me unless it was created simply to relay a veiled threat to me that "termination is not out of the question."
- To ramaniac1964jc: Perhaps I should forward this link to Chief Robby Lee and see how he feels about the fact that you are implicating him in your corruption, corruption that involves a culture of torture and abuse in which you sickos are immersed. It be interesting to see his reaction to you dragging him into your perversions. Maybe he can get results shutting you assholes down and bringing you to justice, king perp of the year ramaniac1964jc.
- To VanvouverStalker: You are the one who should be worried about burning in hell. You are the one who speaks lies and filth. You are the one who came to my channel to cyber-stalk in in order to add to the negativity that your ground perps have been working to create in my life. You are the one who has been systematically defaming me. You are the coward and the bitch. I take comfort knowing that we are polar opposites and that you will be arrested and thrown in prison for your crimes. I take comfort in knowing that it is you who will burn in hell.
- Wow! Chief Robby Lee !! Have not heard that name in sometime..Hows the old perp war horse doing ?
- thetruthisoutthere32 the former superintendent of schools in Beverly Hills has a liking for young boys.Termination is not out of the question if there is strong evidence indicating guilt.
- thetruthisoutthere32 shut your fucking filth talker mouth bitch.burn in hell
- Really? What did Chief Robby Lee say about them? Does he know that you are misappropriating governmental resources to target American civilians in this manner? I got an idea. How about you pieces of shit leave me alone and stick to perping each other?
- I thought we agree on the pine bay perp cell first and the other after aloted times for short burst targeted 3rd party.
- I just got the communication from East63rd perp cell and the target has been located for satellite attack.Command can only get a lock on location for certain times for short burst.
- I spoke with chief Robby Lee tonight and he has some interesting things to say about hidden lakes cell..
- thetruthisoutthere32 grandfather was my mentor back in the day. He was a true perp to be reckoned with.
- thetruthisoutthere32 grand pa pa was a perp and a hero of the republic
- thetruthisoutthere32 your was a perp and a rather good one for his time. That is something you should be proud of but instead you feel ashamed for having such a great man in your life. Your grandfather was a true pariot and cared very much about this counrtry. Because of him, this country has been a better place.
- To GenoParis45: The latest psy-op you are running is pretty low-down. Claiming that my grandfather was a founding perp member is pretty low, even for you. Claiming that I need to join you because of this ridiculous claim is absurd. I have labeled this latest psychological trick you are trying to pull on me as "the Darth Vader."
- thetruthisoutthere32 you're a fool that will know that the perping will increase ten fold.
- The Angel of the Lord will continue to protect me from everything you degenerates continue to throw at me. In fact, have fun spending your night trying to repair your latest and greatest microwave weapons when it breaks in the middle of your operation for no apparent reason.
- I will skull fuck the baby jesus and drink his blood from his dead fucking body!!! Hail Satan Hail satan !!! Hail Satan!!!!
About Ramaniac007's channel
by Ramaniac007
Latest Activity
Apr 14, 2012Date Joined
Feb 6, 2011About this user
Communist Party USA Member. SEIU Member , Communist Party Canada, socialist party canada, BarackObama.com, DNC member , solidarity-us.org , Gay Liberation in Canada.Hometown
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